

The Penny-Priced Roundup Alternative That’s Safer for Your Garden

Roundup and other chemical herbicides have been the go-to solution for killing weeds in gardens, driveways, and farmlands for years. However, growing concerns over health risks, environmental damage, and soil degradation have led many to seek safer, natural alternatives.

The good news? You don’t need to spend big money on organic herbicides—there’s a penny-priced, safer alternative you might already have in your kitchen! 

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What is Pigweed and Is it Edible?

If you live virtually anywhere in North America, you’ve likely heard of, and been irritated by pigweed. This green, unassuming weed has long been considered a severe nuisance since every single plant can produce nearly 100,000 seeds each season. If you’ve ever looked into healthy grain alternatives, you’ve probably come across something known as amaranth. A “super grain,” gluten-free, pseudocereal that is prized for its notable health benefits. Believe it or not, these two plants are actually one and the same. Read on as we delve into the truth behind pigweed and set the record straight once and for all. 

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