

Do This and Your Seeds Will Sprout Like Magic (Seriously, 3x Faster)

Have you ever had the disappointment of your seeds not germinating? I know that I have, and it is a real source of discouragement. Or what about those seeds that take forever just to sprout? I consider myself a patient person, but some seeds have really pushed me to my limit with their sluggish sprouting rate.  Over the years, I have learned a few tricks to improve the germination rate and speed of seeds. 

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7 Underrated Seeds That Are Nutrient-Dense and Practically Immortal

Seeds are nature’s tiny powerhouses, packed with essential nutrients like protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These little gems support heart health, boost energy, improve digestion, and promote glowing skin. Did you know some of the most underrated seeds are best for you? These seeds can also be stored for years, sometimes even decades while retaining their nutritional potency.

If you’re looking to expand your diet with nutrient-dense, long-lasting seeds, here are seven underrated options to consider:

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Low on Money? 7 Ways to Make More Green with Green

When you think of side hustles, ways to make a little extra money, you may conjure up images of things like selling clothes you don’t wear, walking dogs, babysitting, or even baking and selling cookies. But, have you ever considered taking your love of plants, gardening, and homesteading (even urban homesteading) and using it to turn a quick profit?

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This NO-DIG Garden Method Produces a Huge Harvest

When I discovered just how easy it was to grow my favorite veggies, herbs, and even flowers in straw bales, I was hooked. Straw bale gardening combines the best of composting and compact gardening in one.  

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Always Wanted to Sprout an Avocado Seed? Here’s How To Do it

Why would you want to sprout an avocado seed? Well, the most simple answer:  because you can! There are not many fruits and vegetables that are near as fun to grow from seeds as avocados. Some seeds are a real pain to get started. For instance, seeds of peaches, plums, and apricots need to be either subjected to cold stratification or their hard pits broken mechanically before planting.

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Sunflowers, The Happy Plant, Take the Sting Out of Insect Bites

For me, a garden is not a garden without sunflowers. I love how they tower over smaller garden plants, providing just the right amount of shade on a hot summer afternoon. Their big and bright flowerheads make me smile. And, talk about easy to grow! Did you know that sunflowers are also delicious and make a fantastic natural remedy for insect bites?

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9 Cash Crops that Can Help You Meet Your Financial Goals Sooner (even if you live in the city)

Gardening is a fantastic hobby and a way to provide fresh food for your family. Did you know that that it can also be lucrative? What if I told you that you could accelerate your savings by growing some popular cash crops? There are even some great options for people who have limited space in which to grow plants. Now that I have your attention let’s take a look at how your garden can keep you in the green (if you know what I  mean).

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How to Get 2x the Cucumbers and a Longer Harvest

If you love cucumbers as much as I do, you will be thrilled to know that doing a few simple things results in twice the amount of cucumbers and an extended fruiting season. I know this sounds almost too good to be true, but trust me, these little tweaks do work, and I would love for you to give them a try and let me know all about your harvest.

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Amazon Bans these Seeds from Delivery

Whatever you do, don’t plant these seeds. Thousands of packages of unsolicited seeds have been delivered to households in the United States over the past several months. According to the US Department of Agriculture, mysterious light gray or beige packages containing seeds postmarked from China, have been showing up in mailboxes all over the country. In response, Amazon is now banning the sale of foreign seeds, and federal officials are warning us not to touch or plant these seeds. But what is really behind this strange seed scandal?

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9 Gardening Activities To Keep Kids Busy At Home

Helping in the garden is one of the best learning activities for kids. They can get in touch with nature, indulge their curiosity, and gain self-confidence, all while soaking up the sunshine and getting their hands dirty. Whether or not you’re a keen gardener yourself, you can easily enjoy these simple activities with your little ones. 

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