

How to Get 2x the Cucumbers and a Longer Harvest

If you love cucumbers as much as I do, you will be thrilled to know that doing a few simple things results in twice the amount of cucumbers and an extended fruiting season. I know this sounds almost too good to be true, but trust me, these little tweaks do work, and I would love for you to give them a try and let me know all about your harvest.

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Try This Simple Trick to Save 60% More Water in Your Garden

Spring gardens often thrive due to April showers. The same can’t always be said for later season gardens that often lack the blessing of rainfall. If you live in an area that is particularly dry during the hot summer months, you know how much time and expense is required to keep plants well-watered. Luckily, there is one thing that you can do at the beginning of the season that will save time and a great deal of money by slashing your garden’s water consumption by up to 60%.

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Death by Soil: Is Gardening a High Risk Activity?

Gardening is a wonderful pursuit, full of tremendous benefits. Millions of people are hopping on board, planting gardens everywhere, growing delicious food and beautiful flowers. But maybe you have heard about contaminated soil issues, which has made you hesitant to start growing. You might be wondering if gardening is a high-risk activity, something that could cause you harm. Let’s unpack the truth.

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Asparagus and Sandy Soil, a Perfect Match

Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) is a perennial flowering plant whose young shoots are used as a delicious spring vegetable. If you love to roast tender spears tossed with olive oil and seasonings, perhaps it is time to grow some of your own. Although it takes a while for asparagus crops to take off, there is nothing like the taste of these homegrown, green spears. 

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7 Tips for Beautiful Hydrangeas

Renowned for their lush, eye-catching blooms, hydrangeas add old-fashioned charm to any garden. You might think hydrangeas are high maintenance. But surprisingly, they need little care. With a few tips, your hydrangeas will thrive in a variety of conditions. So, if you’re looking for a stunning garden flower, with large globes of colorful blossoms, then hydrangeas are the perennials for you!  Here are seven tips for beautiful hydrangeas.

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How to Set Up the Ultimate Patio Garden for a Massive Harvest

While most patios and balconies are reserved for beautiful overflowing flower baskets and ornamental displays, when space is tight, it may be prudent to prioritize growing fresh, organic food for you and your family. If you haven’t already embraced the idea of container gardening, what are you waiting for?

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How to Grow Loads of Potatoes in a Bucket

Potatoes are one of those staple foods that you should always have on hand. They last for a long time (especially when stored properly), are super filling, and can be incorporated into a wide variety of dishes. Plus, they are incredibly easy to grow, even in a tiny space like a balcony, porch, or small yard. All you need is some soil and a few five-gallon buckets, and you are well on your way to a bountiful potato harvest. 

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Why Bringing Back the Victory Garden Is A Great Idea NOW

In the wake of WWI and WWII, millions of American citizens embraced the idea of the victory garden. With food shortages, rising costs, and the need to support the war effort overseas, the government called upon communities and individuals to grow their own food for nourishment and to keep up morale in a country afflicted by the mounting effects of such an enormous war. Citizens answered the call with relish, and by 1943, almost 40% of all fruits and vegetables in the U.S. were being produced in victory gardens. 

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If You Were to Only Plant 1 Seed During This Crisis, This Would be It

While all fresh produce has great value, especially when you grow it yourself, spinach is a crop that you don’t want to forget about. Not only is it easy to grow from seed, but it is loaded with nutrients and highly versatile in cooking. In fact, if you were to plant only one seed during the present crisis, spinach would be the winner!

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Growing Mustard for Greens, Cover Crops, and Seeds

Mustard is an ancient plant that has plenty of appeal for today’s gardeners. This hardy plant is easy to grow and produces seed in as little as 60 days. The greens are edible and can be used in salads, soups, stews, egg and potato dishes, casseroles, and more. Mustard flowers are a beautiful bright yellow, and when you allow the seeds to mature, they will self sow and allow for more and more mustard. 

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