

Do This and Your Seeds Will Sprout Like Magic (Seriously, 3x Faster)

Have you ever had the disappointment of your seeds not germinating? I know that I have, and it is a real source of discouragement. Or what about those seeds that take forever just to sprout? I consider myself a patient person, but some seeds have really pushed me to my limit with their sluggish sprouting rate.  Over the years, I have learned a few tricks to improve the germination rate and speed of seeds. 

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Always Wanted to Sprout an Avocado Seed? Here’s How To Do it

Why would you want to sprout an avocado seed? Well, the most simple answer:  because you can! There are not many fruits and vegetables that are near as fun to grow from seeds as avocados. Some seeds are a real pain to get started. For instance, seeds of peaches, plums, and apricots need to be either subjected to cold stratification or their hard pits broken mechanically before planting.

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14 Reasons to Grow Sprouts on Your Kitchen Countertop

Sprouts are seeds that have been germinated in water. They form a tiny root and shoot that can be consumed in its entirety. These baby plants are a nutritious food you can grow all year round – no soil needed. Some of the most popular types of seeds to sprout include radish, alfalfa, pea, sunflower, and mung bean. Broccoli sprouts have also become increasingly popular due to their health properties. 

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