

Always Plant This Kind of Fruit in Containers

Growing fruit is easier than it sounds, even in a limited space. There are several types of fruit that can be grown in pots. Container-grown fruit allows you to have a little orchard even if your outdoor space is limited to a patio or balcony. And, you can bring the pot in for the winter if you choose a fruit that is not hardy. Check out the best fruit varieties to grow in containers and some tips on how to get a good harvest.

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5 Garden Favorites to Eat Before Working Out

Perhaps you have grown theme gardens before like butterfly, tea, salsa, or salad gardens. But have you ever considered growing your very own energy garden? An energy garden is packed with homegrown goodness that can give you just the right amount of energy before a hard workout. 

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How to Grow the Perfect Lemonade Garden

Who doesn’t love an ice-cold glass of lemonade on a hot summer day? What is even better than a glass of lemonade is a glass of homemade lemonade made with plants from your very own lemonade garden. You won’t believe how incredibly easy it is to create and care for your own lemonade garden. Here’s how to do it.

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Everything You Need to Know to Grow Basketfuls of Beautiful Strawberries

There’s just something so delicious about fresh, summer strawberries. They taste so much better than the strawberries you find in the grocery store, and it doesn’t take much effort to grow that juicy goodness. Fortunately, strawberries can be grown in containers on your porch, patio, or front stoop, so you don’t even have to have a garden to enjoy basketfuls of beautiful strawberries this season. Plus, when your plants are right out your back door, you’ll be more likely to catch the fruit at the peak of ripeness and enjoy optimal flavor.

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6 Summer Teas to Enjoy at Your Next Garden Party

You’ve finally developed the perfect outdoor living space. You have comfy chairs, cooling fans, and lighting strung in the trees to set the mood. What better way to welcome summer than by throwing a vibrant garden party with your closest friends on your newly revamped porch or patio? Of course, you need fabulous potted plants and vines to complete the look, but no party is complete without these healthy and refreshing summer teas. Check out our favorites below!

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5 Reasons to Garden with Your Kids

Some of my favorite childhood memories involve digging into the earthy ground with my mom and telling our plants to “grow well” as we gave them a drink of water and patted the soil down. My sisters and I would wait anxiously to see the product of our labor and harvest our fresh summer strawberries, eating them straight off the plant with the warm, sticky juice dripping down our chins.

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9 Fun Container Gardening Ideas for Growing Strawberries

Container gardening is a fun, easy way to spend more time outdoors with your hands in the dirt. Even if you don’t have much room outside, you can still enjoy the benefits of container gardening with these exciting ideas to utilize vertical space and grow fresh strawberries today.

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