

Ketchup Was Once Sold as a Medicine

Dr. John Cook Bennett, a rather eccentric American physician in the 1830s, was convinced that tomatoes held incredible healing powers. He believed they could purify the blood and cure a wide range of illnesses, from digestive problems to jaundice. He began selling ketchup as a concentrated form of tomato medicine, even creating “tomato pills” for convenient consumption. Bennett wasn’t shy about sharing his beliefs, publishing pamphlets and giving lectures promoting his “tomato cure.”

His claims caught on like wildfire, and soon the market was flooded with various tomato-based pills and concoctions, all promising miraculous health benefits. Unfortunately, many of these products were simply cashing in on the craze and contained little to no actual tomato. Some were just cleverly disguised laxatives. This led to a chaotic “tomato pill war,” with companies making outlandish claims and vying for customers.

However, the lack of scientific evidence to back up these claims, combined with the prevalence of fraudulent products, eventually led to the decline of the “ketchup cure” by the mid-1800s. People started to realize that ketchup wasn’t the miracle cure it was advertised to be.

Despite its failure as medicine, ketchup didn’t disappear entirely. In the late 19th century, companies like Heinz recognized its potential as a condiment. They began mass-producing and marketing ketchup, focusing on its delicious flavor and versatility rather than its supposed health benefits. 

Today, ketchup is a beloved condiment enjoyed worldwide. It’s a staple at barbecues, a perfect pairing for french fries, and a classic ingredient in many dishes. It’s quite a journey for something that was once touted as a cure-all!

Oddly, tomatoes were once considered poisonous to eat.

Tomatoes were once considered dangerous due to a combination of factors. They belong to the nightshade family, which includes some poisonous plants, and their bright, shiny appearance further fueled suspicion. 

Additionally, a misunderstanding about lead poisoning from pewter plates led people to wrongly blame tomatoes for illnesses. These factors created a fear of tomatoes that persisted for quite some time.

How to Get 4x More Tomatoes by Doing This One Simple Trick

Are you dreaming of bigger, tastier tomatoes? I often find myself thinking about ways to have a massive harvest of gorgeous and juicy fruit. Because of this, I have spent the better part of the last ten years studying how to have the best tomatoes ever. Much of what I have learned has come from trial and error. From this, I have a newfound understanding and appreciation of just what tomatoes need to thrive. If you ready for the best tomatoes ever, read on.

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4 Things to do With Your Extra Tomatoes

It’s that time of the year again, when the summer heat has been working its magic, and the tomato plants are absolutely overflowing with bright, colorful fruit. Whether you’ve got your hands full of tiny grape tomatoes, some ripe Romas, or big old beefsteaks, you might be wondering what to do with those buckets and buckets of tasty fruit.

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The Ultimate Guide to Growing a Massive Harvest Without Soil

For most people, gardens are going like gangbusters right about now. You have gotten plenty of rain and are happily harvesting and sharing fresh veggies with friends and neighbors. However, you also know that soon, all too soon, it will be time to clean out the garden as the season winds down for another year. If you want to continue to have fresh greens for your family all winter long, consider hydroponics, the art of growing plants without soil. 

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Yes, I Add Broken Eggshells and Baking Soda to My Tomato Planting Hole

I get asked about growing and caring for tomatoes more than any other fruit or vegetable. It seems that everyone is after that perfect, prize-winning tomato and will stop at nothing to achieve it! Well, the good news is that tomatoes are not too tricky once you learn the basics, and you can have a beautiful tomato crop year after year, once you have the basic knowledge down.

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Love Eggplant? Here’s How to Grow, Harvest, and Store It

Eggplant, also known as aubergine or brinjal, is a favorite in Mediterranean cuisine. Additionally, it’s low-calorie, provides fiber and nutrients, and makes an excellent grilling vegetable. However, eggplant can be tricky to grow. Nevertheless, with these tips, you’ll be harvesting your eggplant just in time for your favorite Italian feast. If you love eggplant, there’s no reason why you can’t make it the star of your garden. Here’s how to grow, harvest, and store it!  

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