

Why You Should Grow These Veggies and Herbs in the Shade

Most vegetables need plenty of sun to flourish. Corn, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, beans and peas are sun lovers, and you need to grow them in full sun for bumper crops. However, there are a number of vegetables that do better with a bit of shade, especially during the hotter parts of the day.

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Want to Attract More Wildlife – Here is What You Should Do

If you are anything like me, there is nothing more enjoyable to you than sitting on your patio in the warm twilight air, sipping a cup of tea and watching the birds and insects trill around your garden. You don’t have to live in the heart of the country to enjoy this vision, either. Even if you are in an urban area, there are ways that you can, and should, be encouraging wildlife to find sanctuary in your yard. Here are a few tips and tricks to make your garden a natural paradise…no matter where you are.

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5 Ways to Make Your Xeriscape Garden a Huge Success

Xeriscaping is all about designing the garden to minimize water usage. Drought tolerant plants are the obvious choices, but that doesn’t mean you should fill the yard with just cacti and succulents. Many flowering shrubs, grasses, and plants that have underground rhizomes or bulbs can manage with occasional watering. Some plants may need to be watered when they’re young but can go without water for extended periods once they’re established. Others can completely manage with seasonal precipitation, requiring no additional supplement because they go dormant during the dry season.

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How to Make an Outdoor Bubbler Water Feature

Water features can add a lot to any backyard space or garden. They can create an aura of tranquillity on a soothing, atmospheric patio, or bring a unique flair to your garden oasis. While ponds, water fountains, and other more extensive water features are impressive, the cost and time involved can certainly add up. This simple bubbler water feature is budget-friendly and can be assembled in an afternoon. Plus, it is highly customizable and can be personalized to fit your individual style. Here’s how to make an outdoor bubber water feature in just 7 easy steps.

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5 Things You Should Do Differently in Your Veggie Garden

When planting your vegetable garden, it can be challenging to keep all the advice straight, “build a raised bed,” “make sure that you try companion planting,” “always use fertilizer,” “never use fertilizer.” Eventually, the overwhelming words of well-meaning fellow gardeners go in one ear and out the other, and you usually end up winging it. That works for a time, and usually, you will see a harvest, but here are a few essential things that you should be doing differently to maximize yield and encourage healthy growth.

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5 Common Mistakes People Make when Growing Roses

For years, roses have kept the prized position among all the garden flowers. They captivate the mind, enchant the soul, and awake the senses, bringing beautiful vibrant blooms and decadent scents to anywhere they are grown. However, even though they are an excellent addition to any flower bed, many gardeners shy away from these sweet flowers because of their supposed “growing difficulty.”

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Create a Cool Water Feature For Any Size Space

A water feature provides a soothing, pretty element to your backyard. It may attract wildlife too. There are many reasons to have a backyard water garden, but it is not necessarily an easy undertaking. A big pond with a waterfall will be expensive and complicated, while a small fountain or natural pond can be constructed by a beginner. Choose your water feature based on how much time, effort, and money you are willing to put into it.

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