

Why Your Breasts Look Like Orange Peels

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Your body has amazing ways to communicate with you. It can tell you, long before you feel overwhelmingly symptomatic, that there is a problem. Learning how to understand your body’s language is vital for good health.

Like other parts of your body, your breasts actually talk to you. Not in the way that we are used to talking but rather in their own unique way. Changes in your breasts could be a significant indicator of something that needs to be addressed with your health.

Here are 7 things that your breasts may be trying to tell you:

Your breasts are getting bigger: If you notice that your breasts are growing, it could be a sign of the following:

  • You are gaining weight – Forget whether or not your jeans button-up, how does your bra fit? One of the first indicators of a change in body weight is an increase in breast size.
  • Your hormones are changing – Before starting your period, when you are pregnant or when you are taking birth control, your breasts can increase in size.

One boob is bigger than the other: Before you get too alarmed, know that this is very common. Most women do not have identically sized breasts. However, if you notice that one breast has changed shape in a big way it could be an early sign of breast cancer. To be sure that it is nothing serious, schedule a routine exam to be checked out.

Your breasts are lumpy and sore: There are several reasons why your breasts may feel lumpy and be sore including:

  • You are going to start your period – Many women experience tenderness and lumpiness before the onset of menstruation.
  • You might be consuming too much caffeine – Breast tenderness may indicate that your body has had more than enough caffeine. Try cutting back on soda and coffee consumption and see if the sensitivity goes away.

Your nipples are leaking a milky white discharge: Contrary to what you might think, you don’t have to be pregnant or nursing to have discharge from your nipples. It may just mean that you are physically stimulated. Leaky nipples is also a side effect of some medications, particularly antidepressants or antipsychotic drugs that increase levels of prolactin, the hormone that encourages the production of milk. Most of the time this side effect is nothing to worry about. Milky white discharge from the nipples could also be a sign of a noncancerous tumor. This is especially true if you are only having a problem with only one breast.

You can see your veins: If your veins are pale or translucent, you may be susceptible to sunburn or skin cancer. Be sure to take all the necessary precautions to protect yourself from too much sun exposure.

The skin on your breast looks like an orange peel: If your breast skin has always been smooth and you notice that it is rough – like an orange peel – it could be a sign that you have breast cancer. This is especially true if your nipple and areola are hard. Make an appointment immediately to get this checked into.

You have a retracted nipple or puckering of breast tissue: Any time you notice a puckering or dimpling of the skin or your nipple appears retracted, it is time to see a doctor. This is generally a sign of breast cancer and needs immediate attention.

Most importantly – do monthly self-exams

Be in touch with your breasts, look at them and feel them regularly. Do your self-exam religiously and pay attention to any changes. Many things that seem odd to others are simply part of who you are. Keeping a close eye on your breasts will allow you to notice any abnormal changes.

The Backyard Vitality Team

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